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Creating Waves and other weird contraptions. Assignment 02

I really didn't know what to do for the 2D pattern assignment, so I went and created different codes to see where I wanted to go and also just practice and getting used to grasshopper.

Part 1 of Code

Part 2 of Code

Rhino Preview

Alternative route of Code

Curves Generated from the first route of code and alternative route. Left  to Right Respectively. 

That didn't work, so I moved onto my next idea and experimented with waves and generating waves.
This is my first attempt.

Part 1 of Code

Rhino Preview of Part 1

Part 2 of Code

Rhino Preview of Part 2

Part 3 of Code

Rhino Preview of Part 3

That didn't work because I couldn't get my curves and my mesh to round out, so thought maybe I could go into Kangaroo and use its physics mechanics to generate my waves.

Found some youtuber who was using a weird mechanic and made the code myself first and see if I could tie it into the points I created.

Part 1 of BubbleMesh

Part 2 of Bubblemesh

Rhino Preview of Bubblemesh

Tried to tie that into my previous code and couldn't get the curves to be rounded and also work together, so I restarted the project and also tried to optimize and get what I wanted to generate faster.

Version 2

Part 1 of Code

Part 2 of Code

Rhino Preview of Code

Curves Generated in Rhino. Lines were still wonky and couldn't get a smooth mesh, after talking with Bryan and the possibilities that I could do, ended up with this code and other generated things.

Alternative route from part 2

Rhino Preview when connected to loft from rebuild curve

Rhino Preview when connected to extrustions

Going to experiment and continue to where I create different contours of each curve and then use make2d to flatten my meshes into curves and laser cut my designs from there. Will make an updated blogpost as to how that goes. Also currently working on a code where my points end up create a "gravity" to the mesh and the waves dip relative to the points created in space so we'll see how that goes.

Here's a Rhino preview of that.


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